I have been an inveterate fan of good science fiction for many decades. Unfortunately, far too much of what’s available can’t be considered “good” by any rational measure. After ten-thousand times of thinking, “Dang it! I know I could do better than this!” I decided to actually write a novel or never speak of it again. “Where Madmen Rule” is the result. If you like character-driven stories, give this one a sample read on Kindle. HERE’S THE LINK. And if you end up liking the story, please be sure to leave me a decent review. Thanks in advance! –Gene
This is where I’m hashing out an idea for a new novel series. I’ve been plugging away at it for several years. The premise of the story is that many of humanity’s ancient myths are highly garbled accounts of events that actually happened. Substitute “Inter-dimensional Space Aliens” for “Gods” and you get the idea. There’s actually quite a bit of circumstantial support for this idea, though there are plenty of holes in the plot line that have to be filled in with speculation. And, as always, it’s hard to get the characters right. Click on the button below to read the first couple of chapters.